MSDS Sheets
MANUFACTURER: JP Inc. dba Nu-Wood 501 W Railroad Ave Syracuse, Indiana 46567
Revision Date: 11/2312004
Section 1 – Material Identification
Trade Name: Design Board (from 4 to 30 pcf per customer’s specifications) Chemical Name: Polyu rethane core stock Chemical Family: polyu rethane
Section 2 – Hazardous Ingredients
Section 3 – Physical Data
Appearance and odor: odorless, colorless to amber; rigid material Boiling point: NI A Solubility in water: insoluble Vapor density: NIA Vapor pressure: NI A Specific gravity (at various densities): N|A
Section 4 – Fire and Explosive Data
Flash point: NIA Flammable Limits: LEL: N/A UEL: N/A Extinguishing Media: water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam Special fire fighting procedures: a self-contained breathing apparatus should be worn to protect against decomposition products. Unusual fire and explosion hazards: toxic vapors can be emitted during combustion.
Section 5 – Health Hazards
Nuisance dust may be generated when sawing, sanding or cutting rigid material. Nuisance dust TLV: 10 mg/m3 Effects of overexposure: respiratory irritation may result from exposure to dust particles above TLV. First Aid procedures: treat symptomatically.
Section 6 – Reactivity
Stability: stable Conditions to avoid: excessive heat (to thermal decomposition) Incompatibility: Materials to avoid: strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomposition Products: aromatic and aliphatic moieties; CO2 Hazardous Polymerization: will not occur.
Section 7 – Spill or Leak Procedures
Steps to be taken in case material is released or spilled: sweep up Waste disposal method: any standard method for normal refuse in compliance with environmental protection regulations. Where permitted, sanitary landfill is recommended.
Section 8 – Special Protection Information
Respiratory protection: may be required under processing conditions where dust levels above TVL are generated. Protective Gloves: not normally needed Ventilation: local exhaust Eye Protection: Safety goggles recommended anytime when working with material