
Good home builders and designers know it is the details that make a room feel finished and inviting. That is why moulding and trim make such a difference. Our mouldings deliver a crisp, clean appearance that elevate the entire space, and that adds value to the home.


Leave this option in it's default setting and you will get your part factory painted in Sherwin Williams 7006 white, ready for installation and will perform for decades of worry-free beauty, OR, choose "Factory Applied Custom Sherwin Williams Color" to have your parts factory painted any one of thousands of SW exterior colors. A member of our sales team will contact you to discuss the specific color if you choose this option.

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SKU: NW_M015 Category: Tag:

Like all of our molded products - Nu-Wood's mouldings and trims are molded using our formula of high-density polyurethane. It looks like wood. It cuts like wood. It fastens like wood. But, unlike wood, Nu-Wood's polyurethane Mouldings and Trims are not susceptible to the weather. Moisture does not affect our parts. The paint will never peel or crack. Our mouldings are perfect for wet environments like bathrooms, laundry rooms, kitchens, pool and hot tub areas.

Additional information

Weight 0.366527778 lbs
Dimensions 96 × 1 × .5 in

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